universal intellectual standards fairness

A point of view may be too narrow, may be based on false or misleading information, may contain contradictions, and may be narrow or unfair. Is this prejudiced or reasoned judgement? It presupposes assent to rigorous standards of excellence and mindful command of their use. You begin to ask: What is the most fundamental question at issue (in this meeting, in this project, in this discussion)? Am I in a position to answer the question? I have enough time to do all of the above well. As critical thinkers, we want to understand implications whenever and wherever they occur. Everyone thinks; it is our nature to do so. See if you can think of an example of an inaccurate statement from your recent experience. Found inside – Page 3... Used With Sensitivity to Universal Intellectual Standards Clarity A Accuracy A Depth A Breadth A Significance Precision Relevance Fairness A Checklist ... Case Laws, Case Studies and Practical Aspects distinguish relevant questions from irrelevant ones. Found inside – Page 49All Thinking Must be Assessed for Quality Using Universal Intellectual Standards To evaluate thinking we must understand and apply universal intellectual ... Consider alternative concepts or alternative definitions for concepts. In our personal lives, we also often focus on the trivial mundane details, rather than the important bigger picture of our lives. Must I consider multiple points of view to reason well through the issue at hand? Write down the problem as clearly as possible. They don't know how to analyze an issue for what truly bears on it. Our ability to reason well, then, is measured in part by our ability to understand and enunciate the implications and consequences of reasoning. Excellence in thought, however, must be systematically cultivated. Universal intellectual standards are standards which must be applied to thinking whenever one is interested in checking the quality of reasoning about a problem, issue, or situation. ), Primary standards: Yet highly skilled thinkers, aware of this human tendency, routinely search for problems in their thinking. How can I tell? Because we don't know the context within which this statement is being made, we aren't sure in what way "she" is "good." Fairness involves seeking to be open-minded, impartial, and free of biases and preconceptions that distort our thinking. Am I having difficulty appreciating X's viewpoint because I am emotional about this issue? As an employee, you can begin to ask questions that improve your ability to focus on purpose in your work. What are you taking for granted that might be questioned? We therefore must actively work to make sure we are applying the intellectual standard of fairness to our thinking.”. If I were to take this course of action, what other consequences might follow that I haven't considered? Justifiable? Becoming a Fair-Minded Thinker Weak versus Strong Critical Thinking Critical thinking involves basic intellectual skills, but these skills can be used to serve two incompatible ends: self-centeredness or fair-mindedness. Questions that focus on clarity include: 1. Have I stated the purpose in several ways to clarify it? What are some possible solutions to the problem-in detail? Design Your Life Fate or Freedom: Which Do You Choose? Is the question here monological or multilogical? www.criticalthinking.org By discussing and understanding values, These questions might be: From what point of view am I looking at this issue? People are often irrelevant in their thinking because they lack discipline in thinking. Am I confusing a question of preference with a question requiring judgment? What are the main concepts others are using? Critical thinkers strive to adopt a point of view that is fair to others, even to opposing points of view. Yet when you tried to find the person's house, you got lost because of lack of details in the directions? It requires determining whether the question you are addressing is an important one, whether it is answerable, whether you understand the requirements for settling the question, for solving the problem. Found inside – Page 5... Purpose Used With Sensitivity to Universal Intellectual Standards Clarity ... →Significance Precision Relevance Fairness A Checklist for Clinical ... Paul and Scriven go on to suggest that critical thinking is based on: "universal intellectual values that transcend subject matter divisions: clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good reasons, depth, breadth, and fairness. Questions focusing on making thinking more accurate include: How could we check to see if that is accurate? On Tuesday, September 21, 2021, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. CT, the Intellectual Property Law Association of Chicago’s (IPLAC) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee is hosting a virtual film discussion on One Night in Miami. Good thinkers listen carefully to statements and, when there is reason for skepticism, question whether what they hear is true and accurate. You should be thrilled; eight hundred dollars for free! Each line of reasoning should be clear, accurate, precise, relevant, and deep. ), Primary standards: Do I make assumptions about the future based on just one experience from the past? (1) clarity and precision, (2) significance, (3) answerability, (4) relevance, Common problems: Are these assumptions justifiable, or should I question them? Disclaimer and exclusion of liability . Here we summarize some of the main "checkpoints" you should use in reasoning (See also Tables 7.2�7.9). is unclear. The elements of thought (reasoning) 2. are not able to recognize when their use of a word or phrase departs from educated usage. Precise? Which of these questions is the most significant? To settle a question, it must be answerable, and you must be clear about it and understand what is needed to adequately answer it. In many situations, however, specifics are essential to good thinking. Intellectual Standards. Have I broken down the main question into sub-questions? There are nine primary intellectual standards to keep in mind: clarity, precision, accuracy, depth, breadth, logic, significance, relevance, and fairness. What is being assumed in this discussion? Continue with the problem you have been working on. Can I fully justify what I am taking for granted? seek other viewpoints, especially when the issue is one they believe in passionately. Is this interpretation justified? How do my third and fourth paragraphs relate to my central goal? Some Essential Intellectual Standards We postulate that there are at least nine intellectual standards important to skilled reasoning in everyday life. When thinking is easy to follow, it has Clarity. The UDL Project offers a “Daily UDL Checklist” (https://bit.ly/2oNVozJ) that encompasses multiple intelligences, technology, and the UDL Guiding Principles.This checklist is an easy way to get started with universal design in the public library and should help you keep in mind all the many … distinguish significant from trivial questions. Health product and policy standards. Given the evidence, this conclusion seems illogical. are sensitive to the assumptions built into the questions they ask. This could be data, facts, or experiences that, in conjunction with your assumptions, lead you to conclusions. Make sure your purpose is fair in context (that it doesn't involve violating the rights of others). Am I so locked into my point of view that I am unable to see the issue from other points of view? ä¹UW. are clear about the assumptions they are making. Critical thinking, then, implies a healthy skepticism about public descriptions as to what is and is not fact. Found inside – Page 4ELEMENTS THAT UNDERPIN CLINICAL UNIVERSAL INTELLECTUAL STANDARDS FOR CRITICAL THINKING ... focusing on the important not trivial > Fairness: justifiable, ... Are they justified? Does one part of my proposal seem to undermine what I am trying to accomplish in another part? To avoid any exploitation of students for Accuracy How could we check on that? Principle: Indeed, one of the most difficult things for people to do is identify times when they are unfair. (1) unclear, (2) irrelevant, (3) biased, (4) inaccurate, (5) insufficient, (6) inconsistently applied. Each character strength falls under one of these six broad virtue categories, which are universal across cultures and nations. What are the most trivial or superficial things you spend time focused on (things such as your appearance, impressing your friends or colleagues, spending money on things you don't need, chatting about insignificant things at parties, and the like)? When we reason through issues, we want to concentrate on the most important information (relevant to the issue) in our reasoning and take into account the most important ideas or concepts. don't articulate the information they are using in their reasoning and so do not subject it to rational scrutiny. Managing Caregiver Burden for People with Pets, 9 Thinking Traps That Will Sabotage Your Weight Loss. What would this look like from the point of view of...? Intellectual Standards of Critical and Creative Thinking. routinely distinguish questions of different types. What factors make this a difficult problem? Found inside – Page 105... claim to be “ universal intellectual standards : " clarity , accuracy , precision , relevance , depth , breadth , logic , significance , and fairness . See the full character strengths list here and learn more about each one. I have given two conference presentations this year and as a graduate student often write papers on specialized topics. Is there more than one question that you need to address to effectively reason through the problem? Corporate Media Ignore International Cooperation as Shortcut to Coronavirus Vaccine. Identify, first, circumstances in which people tend to introduce irrelevant considerations into a discussion (for example, in meetings, in response to questions in class, in everyday dialogue when they have a hidden agenda - or simply want to get control of the conversation for some reason). Universal intellectual standards are standards which must be applied to thinking whenever one is interested in checking the quality of reasoning about a problem, issue, or situation. To think critically entails having command of these standards. To help students learn them, teachers should pose questions which probe student thinking; reason from within inappropriately narrow or superficial points of view. confuse multilogical with monological issues; insist that there is only one frame of reference within which a given multilogical question must be decided. You may have already stated these in the activities above. In fact, we cannot tell anything about it because we don't yet know what is being said. What is the point of view of my colleague? often make inferences that are superficial. But Abbey insists that it's "extremely uncomfortable" with the window closed. Identify a problem you have experienced at work where the solutions presented to the problem were superficial in nature. 4. For example, students often think the amount of effort they put into a course should contribute to raising their grade in the course. To be good at assessment requires that we consistently take apart our thinking and examine the parts with respect to standards of quality. What complexities, if any, are inherent in the problem? Let's say we know, by looking at standardized tests of students in schools and the actual work they are able to produce, that for the most part students are deficient in basic academic skills such as reading, writing, speaking, and the core disciplines such as math, science, and history. The Paul-Elder framework has three components: 1. Too often we fail in our thinking because we do not recognize that, though many ideas may be relevant to an issue, it does not follow that all are equally important. Kohlberg believed that moral development, like cognitive development, follows a series of stages.He used the idea of moral dilemmas—stories that present conflicting ideas about two moral values—to teach 10 to 16 year-old boys about morality and … This statement is unclear. The question at issue, then, is "Should you have the TV on in the bedroom while you and your spouse are falling asleep?" ... For a similar argument in the patent context, see Motion Picture Patents Co. v. Universal Film Manufacturing Co., 243 U.S. 502 (1917). and I answer "Yes," both the question and the answer are probably precise enough for the circumstance (though it might be relevant to specify how much milk is there). We also have introduced the intellectual standards as tools for assessment. Typically, we apply these standards to one or more elements. The Code of Ethics does not undertake to define standards of professional conduct of Certificants for purposes of civil liability. Think of an important problem in your life. Similarly, to reason well, they need to know that, consciously or unconsciously, they are using information (element of reasoning) in thinking. When we think, we bring together a variety of thoughts in some order. Am I sympathetically representing the viewpoints of others? Continue with the problem you have been working on. UDL recommends ways to provide cognitive (or intellectual) as well as physical access to learning. You will find an abundance of examples in everyday statements that people often make in praise or criticism. Let's focus on an example where the problem is unjustified thinking owing to ignoring relevant facts. confine their monological reasoning to problems that are clearly monological.[*]. (All reasoning is expressed through, and shaped by, concepts and ideas. Does what you say follow from the evidence? Then try to identify times in your work when you have explicitly focused on them. They want the facts because they need the right information before they can move forward and analyze it. Continue with the problem from the last two activities. Found inside – Page 361... the universal intellectual standards of clarity, accuracy, relevance, precision, logicality, breadth, depth, completeness, significance, and fairness to ... ... either customary business practices or customary standards of "good faith" and "fair dealing." For example, if you see a person sitting on the street corner wearing tattered clothing, a worn bed roll beside him and a bottle wrapped in a brown paper bag in his hand, you might infer that he is a bum. oscillate between different, sometimes contradictory, purposes. Am I focusing on trivial questions while other significant questions have been addresses? What are the key inferences made in this discussion? Consistency is a key aspect of critical thinking. We want to see what our actions are leading to. Given the facts of this case, is there more than one logical inference (conclusion, interpretation) one could come to? These questions may include: What is the most fundamental concept I am focused on in this situation? (1) clarity, (2) significance, (3) achievability, (4) consistency, (5) justifiability, Common problems: ASU makes top 10 in U.S. patent rankings for 3rd straight year. Precision Could you be more specific? During the winter, Abbey likes to have the window in the office open while Kristi likes to keep it closed. Have I honestly considered information that doesn't support my position? Now state the information you are using in your thinking. What are the most important things I should try to accomplish this week, this month, this year? distort the data or state it inaccurately. Both the Lima Group and the Canadian government use that same expression. Now state your purpose in the situation clearly and precisely. Found inside... their thinking based on universal intellectual standards of clarity, precision, accuracy, consistency, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, and fairness. We have considered the elements of reasoning and the importance of being able to take them apart, to analyze them so we can begin to recognize flaws in our thinking. At work, you can begin to ask yourself questions that improve your ability to focus on information in your work. Found inside – Page 105... claim to be “ universal intellectual standards : " clarity , accuracy , precision , relevance , depth , breadth , logic , significance , and fairness . All reasoning is expressed through, and shaped by, concepts and ideas. Identify assumptions that lead you to your inferences. It is easy enough to rationalize your "need" to have the TV on every night while falling asleep, by saying such things to your spouse as "It is impossible for me to fall asleep without the TV on. All of us want to see ourselves as imminently fair. Why do you think it was illogical? Though we all sometimes stray from a question or task, we need to be sensitive to when failure to stay on task may have a significant negative implication. Found inside – Page 9They routinely ask questions specifically targeting the intellectual standards. Here are some guidelines for assessing thinking, along with some questions ... use concepts in ways inappropriate to the subject or issue. Could you express that point in another way? Given the evidence, her conclusion is illogical. Let's take another example. 5. He wouldn't say, "Take 1.4876946 antibiotic pills twice per day." The problem of confounded causation involves three factors that contribute to students' scores on standardized achievement tests: (1) what's taught in school, (2) a student's native intellectual ability, and (3) a student's out-of-school learning. 6. CriticalThinking.org. (1) clarity, (2) justifiability, (3) consistency, Common problems: For the Public If I make this decision, what are some possible unexpected implications? trace out only the consequences they had in mind at the beginning, either positive or negative, but usually not both. If you are vigilant in using the other intellectual standards covered thus far in the chapter you will (by implication) satisfy the standard of fairness. Many celebrated documents which advocate for a better world include a preamble that mentions values. Which of these perspectives seems more reasonable given the situation? Principle: (Religious Technology Center v. Found inside – Page 32Throughout recorded history , scholars within disciplines and skilled thinkers in all parts of human life have applied universal intellectual standards to ... Seek other relevant points of view and identify their strengths as well as weaknesses. Universal intellectual standards are standards which must be applied to thinking whenever one is interested in checking the quality of reasoning about a problem, issue, or situation. This resource is for students, teachers, and anyone who wants to learn how we think…and how to think deeper. focus on relevant information and disregard what is irrelevant to the question at issue. Clarity is As an employee, you can begin to ask yourself questions that improve your ability to focus on the important questions in your work. What could it mean? Reasoning can be only as sound as the information it is based on. With a beloved ensemble cast led by Saturday Night Live’s Amy Poehler, the hit comedy show would air for 7 seasons, receiving 14 Emmy nominations and helping launch the careers of Chris Pratt, star of Universal’s Jurassic World, and comedians Aziz Ansari and Nick Offerman. One source of problems in human reasoning is traceable to defects at the level of goal, purpose, or end. Identify a situation at work where decisions made seemed to be based on illogical thinking - thinking that didn't make sense to you. In this section, we focus on the standards and questions that apply across the various facets of your life. What does this mean? Which of these ideas or concepts is the most important? clearly and precisely articulate the possible implications and consequences clearly and precisely. 4 . We must be clear in how we communicate our thoughts, beliefs, and reasons for those beliefs. Or imagine that you are ill and go to the doctor. We want to be able to trace logical consequences. Found inside – Page 357Intellectual Integrity versus Intellectual Hypocrisy Recognition of the need ... has published a list of “universal intellectual standards,” which you can ... Yet because we are by nature self-serving, we are not always able to consider the rights and needs of others in equivalent terms as we do our own. truth i ness n. ELEMENTS OF THOUGHT OBJECTIVE: 4. To reason well, you must clearly understand your purpose, and your purpose must be fair-minded. If we find that we do hold contradictory beliefs, then one or both of those beliefs are false. Yet both your viewpoint and your spouse's are relevant to the question at issue. Intellectual Standards. Start studying Universal Intellectual Standards (Critical Thinking). Questions that focus on making thinking more logical include: Before, you implied this, and now you are saying that. In assessing our reasoning, then, we recommend these intellectual standards as minimal: These are not the only intellectual standards a person might use. The book provides a market-oriented focus, arguing that a just international economy would be one that is inclusive, participatory, and welfare-enhancing for all states. Whenever you attempt to reason something through, there is at least one question to answer - one question that emerges from the problem to be solved or issue to resolve. Am I justified in taking this for granted? Search for information that opposes your position as well as information that supports it. Think if you won a million dollars, but found that after taxes, you only got eight-hundred. Found insideThis volume of the Thinker’s Guide Library analyzes the intellectual standards by which reasoning is judged by skilled thinkers. Westside Toastmasters is located in Los Angeles and Santa Monica, California, "American CEOs are now paid, on average, 419 times more than line workers, and the ratio is increasing. What is being assumed in this meeting? These questions could include, for example: What are the most important implications of this decision? You placed your desires first. Strategies for measuring, monitoring and managing prices are essential for promoting access to medicines. This is a logical inconsistency. How is this idea connected to the question? We do this using criteria based on clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logicalness, and significance. Reviewed by Ekua Hagan. All reasoning is based on data, information, and evidence. Universal Intellectual Standards Universal intellectual standards are standards which must be applied to thinking whenever one is interested in checking the quality of reasoning about a problem, issue, or situation. Make sure you are considering all relevant points of view (that you are thinking broadly), and that you are representing each point of view accurately (even if it means sympathetically expressing a view that you do not personally hold). In your work and personal life, you begin to ask yourself questions that improve your ability to focus on the important implications in your thinking and the thinking of others. (We don't know how overweight Jack is - 1 pound or 500 pounds.) The Foundation for Critical Thinking advocates freedom of speech and freedom of thought throughout the world. People in general have a tendency to make two kinds of inaccurate statements: false positives about the people they personally like (these would be untrue positive statements about people they like) and false negatives about the people they personally dislike (untrue negative things about people they don't like). are able to explain the basic implications of the key words and phrases they use. Found inside – Page 36... With Sensitivity to Universal Intellectual Standards Clarity Z Accuracy Z Depth Z Breadth Z Significance Precision Relevance Fairness Essential Idea: ... A line of reasoning may be clear, accurate, precise, relevant, and deep, but lack breadth. 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