new laws passed in maryland 2020

Vetoed by the Governor (Policy) HB97. Prohibiting an employer from using certain facial recognition services during an applicant’s interview for employment unless the applicant consents under a certain provision of the Act; authorizing  an  applicant to consent to the use of certain facial recognition service technologies during an interview by signing a waiver; and providing for the contents of a certain waiver. Altering the circumstances under which the Maryland Department of Health has the authority to change the name on a birth certificate without a court order to allow the Department, if only one parent is named on the birth certificate of the child, to change the name on receipt of certain documents from the parent named on the birth certificate; and providing that only one affidavit signed by both parents named on the birth certificate is required under certain circumstances. Requiring the governing body of certain cooperative housing corporations in Prince George’s County to have a study conducted of the reserves needed for future major repairs and replacement of common elements of the cooperative housing corporation by a certain date and at certain intervals under certain circumstances; requiring the annual budget of a cooperative housing corporation in Prince George’s County to provide reserve funds in the annual budget for the cooperative housing corporation in accordance with the reserve study; etc. COURTS – DISCOVERY – IN–CUSTODY WITNESS TESTIMONY. A statute of limitations is a legal term that is used to describe a particular code section that sets a time limit in which a civil claim must be initiated. A new law, known as the 2nd Lieutenant Richard Collins III law, expands the legal definition of a “hate crime.” Under this new law, racial hate does not need to be the sole or exclusive motivation in order for a violent crime to be prosecuted as a hate crime. Altering the subject matter of the continuing education ethics course required for the renewal of a license to provide real estate brokerage services by the State Real Estate Commission; and requiring the  course to cover the subjects of the practice of flipping, fraudulent real estate practices, and professionalism as it relates to the Maryland  Code of Ethics, including a discussion relating to conflict  resolution and a licensee’s duty to respect the public, peers, and property. Chair, Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee, STATE BOARD OF DENTAL EXAMINERS – SUNSET EXTENSION AND REPORT, Continuing the State Board of Dental Examiners in accordance with the provisions of the Maryland Program Evaluation Act (sunset law) by extending until July 1, 2031, the termination provisions relating to the statutory and regulatory authority of the Board; and requiring the Board to submit a report by December 1, 2020 to certain committees of the General Assembly on the status of staff vacancies, the strategy used to fill the vacancies, and the Board’s complaint and. Authorizing the Maryland Insurance Commissioner to defer to, rather than use information provided by, the insurance regulatory agency of a state or the National Association of Insurance Commissioners committee process in the certification or rating of an assuming insurer under certain circumstances; requiring that certain credit be allowed when certain reinsurance is ceded to certain assuming insurers that have their head offices or are domiciled in and. MOTOR CARRIERS AND FOR–HIRE DRIVING SERVICES – NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS AND VOLUNTEER DRIVERS, Providing that a motor carrier permit is not required for transportation services that a nonprofit organization provides through the use of a volunteer driver and the volunteer driver’s personal vehicle; altering the definition of “transportation network services”; and providing that a nonprofit organization that provides transportation for remuneration to clients of certain services may not. Chair, Environment and Transportation Committee (By Request – Departmental – Transportation), VEHICLE EMISSIONS INSPECTION PROGRAM – DEPLOYED MILITARY PERSONNEL – EXEMPTION. Altering a requirement that a petition for guardianship of a disabled person include signed and verified certificates of competency by providing that the certificates may be signed and verified by a nurse practitioner and certain other health care practitioners; altering the requirements for the certification of a patient’s incapacity to make an informed decision regarding treatment or of a patient’s terminal or end–stage condition to allow the second individual making the certification to be a nurse practitioner; etc. Prohibiting a State public body from making an exception for the Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis to a law, rule, regulation, or ordinance that operates in Annapolis and relates to licensure or the inspection of real property, subject to certain exceptions; and applying the Act prospectively. Clarifying that a ground lease holder may not bring any suit, action, or proceeding against the current leasehold tenant or a former leasehold tenant to recover the ground rent that was due and owing before the date the current leasehold tenant acquired title to the leasehold interest if the ground lease was not registered in accordance with certain law prior to the date the current leasehold tenant. This law retroactively applies to individuals with suspended licenses for failure to pay fines and fees. These chaptered bills are statutes, and ordinarily become part of Maryland law. Requiring the Executive Director of the Maryland Aviation Administration to work with House of Ruth Maryland to install secure donation boxes at the entrance to each security screening checkpoint at the Baltimore–Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport; and requiring that money deposited in the donation boxes be used only to support House of Ruth Maryland. REAL PROPERTY – RECORDATION OF DEEDS – ASSIGNMENTS OF RENTS AND ASSIGNMENTS OF LEASES FOR SECURITY PURPOSES. SOUTHERN MARYLAND  –  HOMEOWNERS  ASSOCIATION  COMMISSION – ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION AUTHORITY. regarding homebuilders who have built home with drainage defects. Found inside – Page 148Their suit also claims that another effect of the law is to turn over the sale of The State of Maryland passed a statute known as the “Puppy-Mill Act.” (Md. NATURAL     RESOURCES      –     TREE     EXPERT     LICENSE     – ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA. New Maryland Laws Taking Effect October 1, 2020 (Complete . Providing that two mayors from each member county or their representatives are to be appointed to the Tri–County Council for Western Maryland by the commissioners from their respective member county rather than by certain chapters of the Maryland Municipal League. Authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore City to determine the salary of the judges of the Orphans’ Court for Baltimore City; authorizing the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore City to determine the pension of the judges of the Orphans’ Court for Baltimore City; etc. Chair, Budget  and  Taxation  Committee  (By  Request  – Departmental – General Services), MARYLAND GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL – MEMBERSHIP, Altering the membership of the Maryland Green Building Council by removing the Secretary of Housing and Community Development, or the Secretary’s designee, as a member and substituting the Secretary. Repealing a prohibition on an applicant or applicant’s agent making a payment to the County Executive of Prince George’s County or a slate that includes the County Executive during the pendency of certain applications. HEALTH OCCUPATIONS – SOCIAL WORKERS – SCOPE OF PRACTICE, SUPERVISION, AND  APPLICATION DECISION APPEAL PROCESS. money be returned to certain hospitals under certain circumstances; etc. Requiring a dental practice to be owned by a licensed dentist or a dental professional corporation; establishing that only a certain individual licensed by the State Board of Dental Examiners may take certain actions; prohibiting any  person who is not a licensed dentist  to direct, control, or interfere with the independent professional judgement of a dentist or dental hygienist regarding the care of a certain patient; prohibiting a licensed dentist from sharing revenues  or splitting fees except under certain circumstances; etc. Current laws of the State are compiled in the Annotated Code of Maryland. Prohibiting an insurer from canceling, refusing to renew, or otherwise terminating coverage for a private passenger motor vehicle insurance policy based on claims made under the policy’s towing or emergency roadside coverage; authorizing an insurer to remove towing or emergency roadside service coverage from a certain policy at renewal based on the number of claims pursuant to the towing coverage; and authorizing an insurer to increase a premium of a private passenger motor vehicle insurance policy as a result of certain claims. ORPHANS’ COURTS – APPEALS – PROCEDURES. Maryland’s state legislature is called the Maryland General Assembly. Prosecutors charged him under the hate crime statute. Increasing certain penalties for bribery relating to a public employee; prohibiting, subject to a certain exception, a former secretary of a principal department of the Executive Branch from assisting or representing another party for compensation, for one calendar year from the date the secretary leaves State office, in a matter that is the subject of legislative action. …. Requiring certain State agencies to make available on their websites open meeting agendas 48 hours in advance of each meeting; requiring certain State agencies to post on their websites meeting minutes not more than 2 business days after the minutes are approved; requiring certain state agencies to maintain on their websites meeting minutes for 5 years and recordings for 1 year after the meeting; requiring the Department of Information Technology to provide certain staff, support, and equipment to the Maryland Transportation Authority; etc. …. Expanding the authority of certain homeowners association commissions in the code home rule counties of the Southern Maryland class to hear and resolve through alternative dispute resolution certain issues between a homeowners association and a homeowner regarding the enforcement of the governing documents, including declarations, bylaws, deeds, and recorded covenants and restrictions. Many companies are now required to give a 60-day notice before shutting down or relocating. CHILDREN IN NEED OF ASSISTANCE – QUALIFIED RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT PROGRAM – DEFINITION, Altering the definition of a “qualified residential treatment program” for purposes of certain provisions of law relating to the placement of children in need of assistance to require that a program, rather than. The Takoma Park Police Department will be holding a media briefing at 2 p.m. this afternoon at the Takoma Park Police Department 7500 Maple Avenue. Repealing provisions of law authorizing the Department of Natural Resources to issue a license to feed waterfowl; repealing certain license application requirements; repealing provisions of law concerning the establishment, approval, and use of certain feeding zones; repealing a requirement that certain licensed areas be open to inspection by certain persons; repealing provisions of law authorizing the Secretary of Natural Resources to revoke a license to feed waterfowl under certain circumstances; etc. Altering the nominating entity for four board members of the Industry Automobile Insurance Association to reflect the merger of the American Insurance Association and the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America into the American Property Casualty Insurance Association. discharge planning, must meet certain license and accreditation requirements. Senators Kagan and Reilly (By Request – Commission to Advance Next Generation 9–1–1 Across Maryland), Altering references to the terms “9–1–1 fee” and “additional charge”, respectively, to be “State 9–1–1 fee” and “county 9–1–1 fee”, respectively, and altering the definition of “public safety answering point” for purposes of provisions of law concerning the 9–1–1 emergency telephone system; renaming the Emergency Number Systems Board to be the Maryland 9–1–1 Board; requiring a certain. COURTS – COURT DOG AND CHILD WITNESS PROGRAM – ESTABLISHED, Establishing the Court Dog and Child Witness Program to provide a facility dog or therapy dog to a child witness in any circuit court proceeding or other related court process, meeting, or interview; providing participation in the Program by a circuit court is voluntary; requiring participating courts to adhere to the procedures adopted by the Administrative Office of the Courts; requiring the Administrative Office of the Courts to develop a plan to implement the Program and. Limiting the number of times certain contracts entered into  by  Calvert County that require the payment  of  funds  from appropriations of more than one fiscal year may be renewed. Authorizing the governing body of Anne Arundel County to adopt a certain ordinance to prohibit littering and to impose certain criminal and civil penalties. MD Legislation | 2020 | Regular Session. HOSPITALS – CHANGES IN STATUS – HOSPITAL EMPLOYEE RETRAINING AND PLACEMENT, Providing that the assessment of a fee by the State Health Services  Cost Review Commission for funding the Hospital Employees Retraining Fund is to be in the case of a hospital closure, merger, or  full delicensure; altering the circumstances under which hospitals are required to pay a certain fee directly to the Maryland Department of Labor; requiring certain hospitals to pay a direct remittance based on total annual revenue by July 1 each year; requiring that certain. Authorizing the City of Laurel to participate in the Maryland Emergency Management Assistance Compact. Employers with fewer than 15 employees will have an extra year to get to $15.00 per hour. Authorizing the Department of Natural Resources  to  adopt regulations to conduct pilot projects to demonstrate and evaluate new approaches for the management and control of nuisance organisms; and authorizing the holder of a commercial northern snakehead license to use hook and line gear. Found inside – Page 20-33The Maryland law bans most workplace smoking, except for bars and adjacent ... the following states and the District of Columbia have passed state laws ... Repealing the authorization for the Secretary of State  Police  to require certain training; requiring a certain candidate for a commission as a special police officer to complete at least 80 hours of instruction; exempting a certain candidate for commission  as  a special police officer from completing certain instruction  under certain circumstances; and requiring an applicant  for  the renewal of  a commission as a special police officer to receive certain training before applying for renewal. As long as racial hatred is found to be one of the motivating factors behind a crime, the hate crime statute will be applicable. Hundreds of Maryland laws go into effect Tuesday, spanning subjects from increasing the age to buy cigarettes and vapes to taxing online sales and banning bump stocks for firearms. and requested information from the transferor; etc. Bills Introduced - House. Five New Maryland Laws Take Effect October 1, 2020 … Just Now Get All . Chair, Health and Government Operations Committee (By Request – Departmental – Health), PRESCRIPTION DRUG MONITORING PROGRAM – OUT–OF–STATE PHARMACISTS AND DISCIPLINE FOR NONCOMPLIANCE, Altering the definition of the term “pharmacist” in provisions of law regarding the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program to include pharmacists licensed in other states to dispense monitored prescription drugs; and altering the grounds for which a certain health occupations board and certain disciplinary panels are authorized to take disciplinary action against certain licensees and. Maryland's new laws contain a range of provisions to rein in policing: . Found insideIn 1818, the Maryland state legislature passed an act to tax any bank not chartered by the state of Maryland. Since the Second Bank of the United States was ... Altering the basis on which a person is prohibited from taking certain actions against a certain person or group, to include certain actions motivated either in whole or in substantial part by another person’s or group’s race, color, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender, disability, or national origin, or because another person or group is homeless. be required to obtain a motor carrier permit. Establishing an exception to the prohibition against fishing with a haul seine by authorizing a person to empty a haul seine, if it is set on a Friday, during the period from 12:01 a.m. on the following Saturday until sunrise on the following Monday if the person provides the Natural Resources Police with a certain notification, the location of the haul seine that will be emptied, and contact information for the tidal fish licensee who is responsible for the haul seine. Found inside – Page 2020Comprising All the Public and General Civil Laws of the State ... and Circuit ... Orders passed on petition of foreign guardian to be enforceable like other ... report by the Department of General Services by June 30, 2020; etc. Requiring a vehicle manufacturer to make certain requests of a person seeking to transfer a vehicle dealer franchise or any right under a vehicle dealer franchise within 20 days after receiving notice of the proposed transfer; requiring a vehicle manufacturer to consent to a transfer or provide a written statement with specific grounds for refusing consent within 75 days of receiving all completed forms and requested information from the transferor; etc. Chair, Finance Committee (By Request – Departmental – Maryland Insurance Administration), INSURANCE – NONRESIDENT INSURANCE PRODUCERS – CANCELLATION, Requiring the holder of a nonresident insurance producer license to maintain a current license as a resident insurance producer in good standing in the holder’s home state; authorizing the Maryland Insurance Commissioner to cancel a nonresident producer license after receiving notification that the producer no longer has a home, PUBLIC ADJUSTERS  –  DISBURSEMENT  OF  INSURANCE SETTLEMENT PAYMENTS. licensed in a reciprocal jurisdiction; etc. Providing an October 1, 2020, effective date of certain articles of incorporation filed with the State Department of Assessments and Taxation for record; authorizing the articles to contain a delayed effective date, not later than 30 days after the Department accepts the articles for record; authorizing indemnification of a board of directors by a certain vote of certain directors or by a certain vote of a committee of the board; providing that certain stockholders’ rights. Requiring the Commissioner of Correction, on taking custody of an inmate and with the inmate’s written consent, to begin the process of obtaining the inmate’s birth certificate; requiring the Commissioner to return certain documents to the inmate on the inmate’s release; requiring each local correctional facility to develop and implement a policy for assisting inmates to obtain identification cards issued by the Motor Vehicle Administration; requiring that a certain report be made to the General Assembly; etc. Authorizing a defendant in a malpractice claim against a licensed professional to move for a protective order to limit the disclosure of certain documentary evidence to protect the defendant from annoyance, embarrassment, oppression, or undue burden or expense; requiring a court, on a certain motion by the defendant, to review the claimant’s request for documentary evidence and authorizing the court to issue a certain protective order for good cause shown; providing for the prospective application of the Act; etc. INSURANCE – CREDIT FOR REINSURANCE MODEL LAW – REVISIONS. Authorizing, altering, or requiring the distribution and payment of certain revenue in certain fiscal years; altering to fiscal year 2026 the year by which the Maryland Agricultural and Resource–Based Industry Development Corporation is to become self–sufficient; requiring, for purposes of creating certain redistricting plans, the Department of Planning and the Department of Legislative Services to enter into a certain memorandum of understanding regarding incarcerated individuals; etc. Found insideThe story of the longest and most complex legal challenge to slavery in American history For over seventy years and five generations, the enslaved families of Prince George’s County, Maryland, filed hundreds of suits for their freedom ... Found inside – Page 35-6Delaware enacted a new law in 2018 to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. ... [Ch. 399 (H. 360), L. 2018] Illinois passed a law requiring that state ... Altering the eligibility criteria for an applicant for a tree expert license to be issued a license. The General Assembly has an upper and lower house (just like the U.S. Congress and Senate) and members are elected to 4-year terms. Found inside«Ch. 8», Ǥ 8.07» 1 Law of the Internet § 8.07 (2020) ... Maryland was one of them and, in May 2018, the state passed the Online Electioneering Transparency ... PUBLIC SAFETY – CRISIS INTERVENTION TEAM CENTER OF EXCELLENCE. Repealing certain fees for the registration of ground leases with the State Department of Assessments and Taxation; and altering the circumstances under which the Department shall register a ground lease. ABANDONED PROPERTY IN POSSESSION OF A MUSEUM. Repealing an exemption for certain check cashing services from provisions of law governing the licensure of check cashing services; authorizing a person to provide check cashing services without obtaining a certain license by registering each year with the Commissioner of Financial Regulation; requiring a person to obtain and maintain a certain identifier to register as a check cashing service; requiring a person to provide the Commissioner with certain information to register as a check cashing service; etc. PRINCE GEORGE’S  COUNTY  –  COOPERATIVE  HOUSING CORPORATIONS, CONDOMINIUMS, AND HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATIONS – RESERVE STUDIES PG 403–20. Chair, Budget  and  Taxation  Committee  (By  Request  – Departmental – Lottery and Gaming Control Agency), GAMING – VIDEO LOTTERY FACILITIES AND LICENSES – DEFINITIONS. COURTS – DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE – PROTECTIVE ORDER. Describes the powers and responsibilities, structure and process, people who serve, and politics of the legislative branch of state government. The judge dismissed the hate crime charges because prosecutors could not prove that racial hatred was the only motive. Capital News Service. The Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission is now required to train entry-level police officers on reporting and responding to hate crimes. STATE PERSONNEL  –  EMPLOYEE  ACCOMMODATIONS  – PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH, Requiring all units in the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches of State government, including all units with independent personnel systems, to provide certain reasonable accommodations for an employee with certain limitations caused or contributed to by pregnancy or childbirth; prohibiting units of State government, under certain circumstances, from requiring an employee to take certain leave or requiring an employee to accept certain accommodations. Maryland has passed a large package of law enforcement regulations. At least ... Law ST. MARY’S  COUNTY  –  EMERGENCY  SNOW  ROUTES  –  AUTHORITY. Altering the definition of “video lottery facility” to include a casino for the purposes of the federal Bank Secrecy Act of 1970 and its related regulations; and altering the definitions of “video lottery facility” and “video lottery operation license” to include the operation of table games. 2020, 11:51 AM. Unpaid court fines and fees are no longer grounds for suspending a driver’s license. Delegates M. Jackson and Krebs (By Request – Commission to Advance Next Generation 9–1–1 Across Maryland), PUBLIC SAFETY – 9–1–1 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM. HARFORD COUNTY – SERVICE OF PROCESS – DETENTION CENTER EMPLOYEES. MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH – BIOSAFETY LEVEL 3 LABORATORIES IN FREDERICK COUNTY, Requiring the Maryland Department of Health to make available a certain form; requiring certain biosafety level 3 (BSL–3) laboratories in Frederick County to report certain information to the Department on or before October 30 each year; requiring the Department to report the number and location of BSL–3 laboratories to the Maryland Emergency Management Agency and certain officials in Frederick County and the total number of laboratories to the Governor and. Submitting a contact form, sending a text message, making a phone call, or leaving a voicemail does not create an attorney-client relationship. INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES – MINIMUM WAGE AND COMMUNITY INTEGRATION  (KEN  CAPONE  EQUAL EMPLOYMENT ACT). October 1, 2020. 3 hours ago Get All . from former employers or their agents; etc. Altering the membership of the Adult Public Guardianship Review Board of Washington County to require one member to be a psychiatrist or psychologist. MOTOR VEHICLE  ADMINISTRATION  –  VOLUNTARY DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY SELF–DISCLOSURE CARDS – DESIGN AND ISSUANCE. Clarifying that a certain document through the execution of which a certain individual may decide the disposition of the individual’s own body without certain consent includes a document designating a person to act as an authorizing agent; providing that an authorizing agent is bound by certain documents in making certain decisions; and clarifying the order of priority of persons that have the right to serve, HEALTH INSURANCE – AUDITS OF PHARMACIES OR PHARMACISTS –  AUTHORIZATION  TO  WITHDRAW  AND RESUBMIT CLAIMS. Maryland Enacts New Environmental Laws in 2020 The 440th session of the Maryland General Assembly commenced on January 8, 2020. 2021, 50% by December 31, 2022, 75% by December 31, 2023, and 100% beginning December 31, 2024 of accessible rooms in a lodging establishment to be furnished with a bed of a certain height; and defining the term “accessible room” as one that is in compliance with certain Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines; etc. A VULNERABLE person ’ s consent each year at the begging of calendar. Towingâ or EMERGENCY ROADSIDE COVERAGE CLAIMS legislative branch of state government new laws... Non-Encrypted email, which is not secure new laws passed in maryland 2020 license fees – DISTRIBUTION of PROCEEDS PG.. 76 ( 1978 ): 893, 933 the air, Louisiana, Maryland, new York Nevada! Reports – CONFLICTS of INTEREST AND LOBBYING PG/MC 102–20 INVESTMENT TRUSTS – CLOSED estates – subsequent DISCOVERY of.. 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