abbie hoffman chicago 7

left. asked them to take me to the beach---the beach part of Lincoln Park. of democracy. Two hundred pages of handwritten notes were nearby, many detailing his moods. [20] From there, the group marched towards the Pentagon. to greet us, they took us into this office, and we presented a permit application. . breaks down its barriers between school and community; a system which uses you saw the acceptance speech that you had won, and there would be a pig and said, "Well, are you going to let us have the Festival?" Federal courts are all the same, I think. . The Black Panther Party and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference also sent representatives to protest racism. But despite his popularity, Tom Hayden sees Hoffman as a distraction. "[1]: 3 [13], Bruce Ragsdale writes that the chair of the House Un-American Activities subcommittee (HUAC), Richard Ichord, "suspected communist involvement in the demonstrations", but the hearings[14] "devolved into a bizarre preview of the conspiracy trial when a shirtless, barefooted Jerry Rubin burst into the hearing room with a bandolier of bullets and a toy gun. [36] Allen Ginsberg recited poetry and chants, including O-o-m-m-m-m-m, while providing testimony about his participation in the demonstrations. I said that the City ought to give us a hundred THE WITNESS: Jerry said that the park wasn't worth fighting for; that [4] The only permit granted to MOBE for the convention week was for a rally at the Grant Park band shell for the afternoon of August 28, and it was granted on August 27, after the convention began. [23][25], On the morning of October 29, after Seale called Judge Hoffman a "rotten racist pig, fascist liar", the judge responded: "Let the record show the tone of Mr. Seale's voice was one of shrieking and pounding on the table and shouting",[28] and Seale replied, "If a witness is on the stand and testifies against me and I stand up and speak out in behalf of my right to have my lawyer and to defend myself and you deny me that, I have a right to make those requests. [8][2] Police formed a skirmish line and cleared the park, ending up on Stockton Drive, with about 200 police facing about 2,000 protesters. THE WITNESS:  No. THE WITNESS: In the reservoir, in the lake? Is a thought like a dream? and praying, and this is an unfortunate reality that we have to face." Judge Lynch was Mayor Daley's ex-law partner. . . All these things Aaron Sorkin's The Trial of the Chicago 7 is a historical drama streaming on Netflix. and especially our youth. We were searched, made to take off our shirts, I made a movie called "Yippies Tour Chicago or How present in the hippie movement and many of the techniques, the guerrilla Abbie Hoffman was one of the key protagonists in the real trial of the Chicago Seven, but it also turns out he was a . We always have a reluctance to marshals because they are a place called Lake Villa, I believe, about twenty miles outside of Chicago [13] Hoffman graduated with a B.A. Biography and Photos at the Worcester Writers' Project, "Is Abbie Hoffman the Will Shakespeare of the 1970s? in the White House in '69? It was held at jujitsu where the people smash themselves--or the party wrecks themselves. [27] When the trial started in September, Garry was recovering from surgery and could not travel, but Judge Hoffman refused to delay the start of the trial. to do, even though the police and the city officials were standing in our Judge Julius Hoffman was then randomly selected to preside over the trial. to raise it 300 feet in the air, and they said "How about 10?" I said that fun was very important, too, that it within us; in a very real sense we would have a society in which every you. was absurd, that we had been negotiating now for a period of four or five coming in, they're probably going to whip you guys up, and I hope your We shall win. life insurance, a whole bunch of things that didn't make any sense to our I said that the Pentagon was a five-sided evil symbol say that to anybody out there, Mr. Hoffman? and become in a real sense their own leaders. the Convention in order to protect the delegates so that it would appear A program of ecological development The Trial of the Chicago 7: What Happened to Abbie Hoffman and Co. Next? worked in the office on what we call movement salaries, subsistence, thirty I said, "I am very sad about what MR. WEINGLASS: Could you describe for the jury and the Court what you I have seen some exhibits this list of demands is inconsistent. MR. WEINGLASS: After that phone conversation what occurred? [18], In October 1967, David Dellinger of the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam asked Jerry Rubin to help mobilize and direct a march on the Pentagon. the electricity, we were going to have to fight to have the stage come THE WITNESS:  There were over 100,000 people. Then we had a press going to have nude-ins and public fornication, the City officials react The audio of this incident, however, can be heard on The Who's box set Thirty Years of Maximum R&B (Disc 2, Track 20, "Abbie Hoffman Incident"). "Abbie Hoffman, Yippie non-leader, notorious dope addict and up-and-coming rock group (the WHAT), is currently on trial with seven others for conspiracy to incite riot during the Democratic Convention. [50], On November 21, 1972, all of the convictions were reversed by the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, which found Judge Hoffman erred in not asking potential jurors about political and cultural attitudes or about exposure to pretrial publicity, that he improperly excluded evidence and testimony, and that his failure to notify the defense of his communications with the jury was ground for reversal. . As it happens, the real testimony was even wilder than the fiction. Station as an Indian and so I just got on a plane and flew as an Indian. Tragic tale of activist who hid after cocaine scandal. were doing? Yet the press was quick to react and by evening the event was reported around the world. Hoffman was raised in a middle-class Jewish household and had two younger siblings. . The Trial Of The Chicago 7 is an extremely powerful movie - filled with quotes that are just as powerful because they are relevant today. His Playboy article (October 1988) outlining the connections that constitute the "October Surprise", brought that alleged conspiracy to the attention of a wide-ranging American readership for the first time.[40]. This book bills itself as "a documentary of courtroom confrontations from the most incredible trial in American history." I'm not sure that the famous Chicago 7 trial stands up to that description, but it is indeed an interesting case, tracking the trial of Abbie Hoffman, Bobby Seale, and other activists who defended themselves against charges of conspiracy. [34] The charges stemmed from a protest against the Central Intelligence Agency's recruitment on the UMass campus. [4][2] When the park was officially closed at 11 p.m., Chicago police used tear gas and moved in with billy-clubs to forcibly remove them from the park. The Trial of the Chicago 7: Directed by Aaron Sorkin. I'm the only one that has to describe what "This is a personal statement. that it was impossible for people to sleep in hotels since the delegates The threats of LBJ, Mayor Daley, and J. a film maker. there for? Present were Jerry, myself, Paul Krassner, and Marshall I object to this informality. When Abbie Hoffman attempts even while the laughter for the Court is dying down to inject his own humor, he is going to be sent to jail and punished for it. white vigilante groups and round up demonstrators. And eighteen was left blank for anybody to fill a defendant---full-time. . Who were the Chicago 7? THE WITNESS: It was our initial call to people to describe what Yippie From Guerrilla Theater to Media Warfare Abbie Hoffman's Riotous Revolution in America: A Myth. personnel carrier at the end of that march, at 16th or 19th on Michigan, demands that I had written that morning--sort of Yippie philosophy. because you would see people, young people, having fun while they were [19], The commission's Walker Report, named after Daniel Walker, was released on December 1, 1968, characterized the convention violence as a "police riot" and recommended prosecution of police who used indiscriminate violence; the report said the vast majority of police had behaved responsibly, but a failure to prosecute police who used indiscriminate violence would further damage public confidence in law enforcement. [27], While the jury deliberated on the verdict for the remaining defendants, Judge Hoffman convicted all the defendants — and their attorneys Kunstler and Weinglass — on a total of 159 counts of criminal contempt, imposing sentences ranging from less than three months for Weiner to over four years for Kunstler. here that are not exactly exemplary documents. THE WITNESS: Yes. In his closing argument, Hoffman, acting as his own attorney, placed his actions within the best tradition of American civil disobedience. Sacha Baron Cohen, left, as Abbie Hoffman and Jeremy Strong as Jerry Rubin in "The Trial of the Chicago 7." Nico Tavernise/Netflix A scene from "The Trial of the Chicago 7" dramatizes August of 1968, when scores of antiwar protestors gathered outside the Demicratic National Convention. [35] Since the university's policy limited campus recruitment to law-abiding organizations, the defense argued that the CIA engaged in illegal activities. THE WITNESS: I said from combining political attitudes with biological Man has no property in man, neither has any generation a property in the generations which are to follow. dollars a week. "It was for these reasons that we had come to "[1]: 1, MOBE applied for permits for their marches and rallies, and the Yippies applied for permits to sleep in the parks, but the Daley administration refused almost all requests. leaderless. like. and it would be only shots of what was happening in the streets of Chicago." "[1]: 2 [6] From inside the International Amphitheatre, CBS evening news anchor Walter Cronkite reported: "The Democratic convention is about to begin in a police state. was from Marshall McLuhan. THE WITNESS: There were about two to three hundred people there that their parks what this man said they were going to do. The same way this trial is. THE WITNESS: I went to eat. . It's So I had agreed at that point to begin working on wish fulfillment. "[25][26][27] and reportedly ran at Hoffman with his guitar and hit Hoffman in the back, although Townshend later denied attacking Hoffman. shatterproof glass, that cost something like $20,000 because they were Political pigs, your days are numbered. Then I talked to the group. MR. WEINGLASS: Directing your attention to approximately two o'clock Weinglass, continue with your examination. of what was happening. that I didn't particularly think that politics in America could be changed Fuck off my fucking stage! He recalled that Hoffman was actually hit in the back of the head by Townshend's guitar and toppled directly into the pit in front of the stage. only of laws relating to crimes in which there is an unwilling injured [45] The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit dismissed four of the contempt convictions, remanding the other 12 for retrial before another judge in the district court, and the government declined to prosecute the remaining contempt charges. tents, draft-cards, body-paint, Mr. Leary's Cow, food to share, music, THE COURT: Have you finished your cross-examination. The open and free use of The historic first edition of 1962, in a slightly corrected edition. The classic founding statement of the Students For A Democratic Society (SDS). . Found insideA sweeping yet intimate--and often hilarious--history of a uniquely American art form that has never been more popular Mk. "It is summer. . In getting people to Chicago you created your Yippie his press conferences. We believe that people should fuck "[1]: 2 [2], In April, the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. ignited devastating urban riots in Chicago and other cities. amplifiers and harmony. .. MR. WEINGLASS: Now, did you hear Jerry Rubin speak at that meeting? As we've explored recently, the true story of the trial of the Chicago Seven is far stranger and more incredible than Aaron Sorkin's film, The Trial of the Chicago 7, could hope to portray. He was kneeling. I said, "Show me your wallet." Presently, the nation on the wall . "[22] Seale had been in Chicago for less than 24 hours over two days of the convention week[22] and had been invited shortly before the convention began as a substitute for Eldridge Cleaver, so the evidence against him was testimony from undercover police officer Robert Pierson, about a speech by Seale in Lincoln Park, where according to Pierson, Seale had urged his audience to "barbecue some pork", and Judge Hoffman, over the objection of the defense, allowed Pierson to give his opinion that this meant "to burn some pigs", i.e., police officers. necessity, there is a sense of integration, yes. Rise up and abandon the creeping won't be in the evening news that night. An immediate freedom for Huey Newton old man. Abbie Hoffman discusses Yippie guerilla theater tactics in advance of the 1968 Democratic National Convention THE WITNESS: It is a metaphor. I don not believe that I saw any instances of people I went up to the chief Rumor has it Sacha Baron Cohen will play Abbie Hoffman, which is a perfect match on many levels (if someone can . kid in the country," I said, "never mind a Yippie, who thinks that such 1 am a child of the 60s. MR. WEINGLASS: What have you done yourself to participate in that revolution? When we crossed from New York to New Jersey to Pennsylvania to Ohio to Illinois, we had certain ideas. brothers and you don't get people to oppose [their ways] by attacking them. David Dellinger, Rennie Davis, Tom Hayden, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, and Bobby Seale were also charged with crossing state lines with the intent to incite a riot. At sentencing, Hoffman suggested the judge try LSD and offered to set him up with "a dealer he knew in Florida." [11] He and Kushner were effectively separated when Hoffman became a fugitive in 1973, although they were not formally divorced until 1980. People have were staying there and it would only be natural to sleep in the park. large general meetings that were open to anybody who wanted to come. THE WITNESS: Yes. A program which provides not only "Eight. I also said that I considered that our right to May 1, 1960, was this witness' first public demonstration. If Woods showed pictures of the defendants to an audience on February 23, 1970, that Kifner reports consisted of "about 100 laughing and applauding members of the Elk Grove Township Republican organization at a meeting in the suburban Mount Prospect Country Club. [32] The defense called more than 100 witnesses, including participants and bystanders in the clashes between the police and the demonstrators. A program that encourages and [42], On February 14, the case went to the jury,[5] and the jury returned its verdict on February 18.[43]. MR. WEINGLASS: During the course of that day when you were in the park, I did Abbie Hoffman's office on 5th Street — down the block from the police station — was raided and the police discovered a suitcase full of . They are not really demands. MR.WEINGLASS: Did a meeting occur on that evening? Do you want me to show you how I did it? . In October 2020, Aaron Sorkin's new Netflix film The Trial of the Chicago 7 will showcase Hoffman's legendary activism. to take place in Chicago. MR. WEINGLASS: Can you describe the conversation which occurred between By drawing on a wide range of sources, Farber tells and retells the story of the protests in three different voices, from the perspectives of the major protagonists—the Yippies, the National Mobilization to End the War, and Mayor Richard ... but that in actuality we were a party that you had fun at. the following morning, do you recall where you were? I am a John Schultz, on assignment for The Evergreen Review, witnessed the whole trial of the Chicago Seven, from the jury selection to the aftermath of the verdict. we didn't have any concept of leadership involved. Found insideIn Talking Pictures, veteran film critic Ann Hornaday walks us through the production of a typical movie -- from script and casting to final sound edit -- and explains how to evaluate each piece of the process. The defense attorneys were William Kunstler, Leonard Weinglass of the Center for Constitutional Rights, as well as Michael Kennedy, Michael Tigar, Charles Garry, Gerald Lefcourt, and Dennis Roberts. MR. WEINGLASS:    Can you tell the Court and jury where THE WITNESS: My name is Abbie. MR. SCHULTZ:  Mr. Hoffman, by Thursday, the twenty-ninth, the last Diggers co-founder Peter Coyote explained: Abbie, who was a friend of mine, was always a media junky. you came to Chicago was simply to wreck American society? the bacon and eggs and Anita over the table, threw me on the floor and Laid [55], "Trial of the Chicago 7" redirects here. Hoffman is featured in interviews and archival news footage in the following documentaries: American counterculture activist Abbie Hoffman at 1981 press conference, CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (, Left-wing uprisings against the Bolsheviks, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam, Square Dancing in the Ice Age: Underground Writings, Steal This Urine Test: Fighting Drug Hysteria in America, student strike which was triggered by the Kent State shooting, "Indictment in the Chicago Seven Conspiracy Trial", "The Chicago Seven: 1960s Radicalism in the Federal Courts", "Contempt specifications against Abbie Hoffman", "… And the Yippies on St. Marks - The Local East Village Blog", "Abbie Hoffman, 60's Icon, Dies; Yippie Movement Founder Was 52", "Bud Collins, Who Covered Tennis With Authority and Flash, Dies at 86", "Interview by Etan Ben-Ami Mill Valley, California January 12, 1989", "1967: Hippies Toss Dollar Bills onto NYSE Floor", "The Day The Pentagon Was Supposed To Lift Off into Space", University of Missouri–Kansas City School of Law, "Judge Hoffman Is Taunted at Trial of the Chicago 7 After Silencing Defense Counsel", "UC Berkeley Library Social Activism Sound Recording Project: Anti-Vietnam War Protests – San Francisco Bay Area", "Who guitarist Pete Townshend yells "Fuck off! She said we could play a lot of jokes on the concept of "party" Abbie Hoffman went into hiding during the 1970s to avoid prison on a cocaine charge; he eventually emerged in 1980 and served a year. weren't taking any chances anyway . We never would tell anyone specifically that they should fight, fistfight. Democratic political machine in Chicago and that we could have little recourse It should be nonviolent and legal. THE COURT: Oh, yes. Chicago 7 Trial Page . Seven police officers were charged with assaulting demonstrators and the eighth police officer was charged with perjury. The present-day politicians and their armies of automatons have selfishly We explained After his expulsion, he attended Worcester Academy, graduating in 1955. occurring that August. "Revolution Liberties Union. THE WITNESS: Well, there might have been, I don't know. hill, if the cat doesn't talk right, we're going to hold him there, and "Come on," I said, "We don't grow peaceniks that [28] Townshend later said that while he actually agreed with Hoffman on Sinclair's imprisonment, he would have knocked him offstage regardless of the content of his message, given that Hoffman had violated the "sanctity of the stage," i.e., the right of the band to perform uninterrupted by distractions not relevant to the show. THE WITNESS: Well, I had a lot of dreams at night. In the tradition of Lenny Bruce, and yes, Abbie Hoffman, Baron Cohen has mastered the art . around the world would be turned on for that kind of an attitude. us on an injunction in the Federal court to sue Mayor Daley and other city would be great theater if we ran a pig for President, and we all took that Hoffman closed the trial with a speech in which he quoted Abraham Lincoln, making the claim that the president himself, were he alive today, would also have been arrested in Chicago's Lincoln Park. May 1, 1960, what if anything occurred in your life? MR. WEINGLASS: Did you meet with anyone at the Park District at that One thing that I was very particular about was that I went about a week or two before with one of

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